Sunday, October 10, 2010

Joy 15/82: Walking

Not what we have, but what we enjoy, constitutes our abundance.   
-- John Petit-Senn

If that quote is true, I am truly blessed.  I love to walk and I get to do it every day.  This morning was one of those incredibly perfect fall days that just make every cell in your body sing.  Missy and I went for our "long" walk which we haven't been able to do for awhile because of the rain and too many other things going on.  The combination of the cool morning air and the bright warm sun made walking along the creek through the oak and the pines a true joy.

About the image:  This isn't where I walk ... it's actually a path in Colorado.  I love taking pictures of paths but haven't taken one of my daily walks yet.


  1. I have always enjoyed walking. We have hilly areas in Arlington that can put one to the test and bike paths and trails galore, including some wonderful paths on Roosevelt Island and along the Potomac, plus the towpaths along the Canal, which I especially like. Walking, a joy indeed.

  2. Wish we were somewhere where we could go walking together!

  3. I want to come too! That would be so much fun.


    And Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!

  4. Nice. I shared a link to your site on my Facebook page. As I said there, always nice to find a kindred spirit.

    Philip Deal
    The Joyful Wonder Artist
