This quote was sent to me by a new friend and it was like bells ringing when I read it. All day I've thought of the worlds that would have remained unopened to me if it weren't for my friends.
One friend is traveling through the far east with her husband buying incredible jewelry for her store ... an endeavor that not only brings beauty to many women but also helps support women's enterprises around the world. Through her I see parts of the world I'd never see and meet people I would never otherwise meet. One friend inspires me with her passion for the Ozark wilderness she tends daily and with her fiercely loving and protective nature. One octogenarian friend fills me with awe as she cares for her husband of 60-odd years as he struggles with Alzheimer's but still finds ways to feed her creative spirit and win awards in photography contests. Another friend restores fine watches and after looking at the multitude of tiny parts, I'll never look at watches in the same way.
Each friend opens a world within me, not only with their perceptions of the world, their life experiences and the information they share but with the emotional connections they bring to me, each different in their own way but each an important part of the whole. It makes me feel like one of those stickery weeds that has little hooks on the end of each sticker. Perhaps my purpose in life is to make a friend connection to fill each of these hooks ... and if I can fill all of my hooks with friends and each one of my friends fills their hooks and each one of their friends fills their hooks ... well, eventually we would all be truly connected and the world would be a different place.
How simple it could be. If only everyone knew about all the worlds within us which can only be opened by our friends.