Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Sweet Peace #44: Saved by Stickers

Sweet Peace began in January of this year as a 52-week commitment to finding peace with food and body and has gradually expanded to include all aspects of my life. 

Along with it came a small, black journal. I have never been good at journaling and trailing behind me is a long line of unsatisfactory, half-filled journals of various sizes and shapes. 

However, here I was, trying again, filling the early pages with diary entries about food, energy, slips and successes, and starting overs. Boring!

Heart stickers were my first breakthrough. Putting one on a page somehow changed the writing, invited feeling words. Of course, at the same time, I was using the Gratitude Mojo journal, practicing gratitude, answering questions, stretching in new ways. However, it was in this small, black journal that the stickers screamed to life. Soon they were all over the pages.

Next came colored markers for highlighting, color coding, doodling. Suddenly, the journal was safe and journaling was fun. I began to play and even think of my journal as a friend, a friend who listened to whatever I wanted to say, without judgment.

I believe in the past 43 weeks I have truly become a journaler and it is bringing me peace.

Below is a page from a day when I needed a sticker break.

NOTE:  Sweet Peace will be moving to my Substack newsletter soon.

It will still be free and you can subscribe at https://gratitudemojo.substack.com/about.

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