Monday, October 18, 2021

Been There Voices: Anita Perez Ferguson - Changing Seasons


From my morning journal, some thoughts on seasonal change;

A hazy sky draws a veil over the summer past.

Vivid colors withdrawn, gentle breezes subside.

I beckon an autumn mystery

And commence the act of waiting

Inhaling my yearning

Exhaling anticipation.

The season is slow to reveal itself.

October does not withhold my wish.

This year my own vision, now blurred, delays the promise. 

** Anita Perez Ferguson, Santa Barbara, CA, young adult historic fiction author

Click here for more about Anita and other Been There Voices  


Been There Voices is about us, our lives, our successes and failures, our joys and sorrows, our lessons and our gradual, hard-won wisdom. We have survived and thrived throughout whatever has come our way.

The reasons are arbitrary and not intended to dismiss half of our population, however, this project focuses on the stories of women, and begins with fourteen women, well-polished grains of sand on the beach of life, tumbled by the waves of time until their light shines through, offering their stories, joys and sorrows, to the ocean of wisdom.

1 comment:

  1. The imagery of the "hazy" sky of fall against the final line of "blurred vision" is we enter our fall or really winter of life. Susan Larson
