Tuesday, December 5, 2017

That wicked wisp of judgment

Grasping at Smoke
This morning I awoke in a dream 
with a message writing itself 
on the screen of my mind 
in grains of sand. 

I cuddled my warm center
letting the words flow 
in a staccato dance. 
Words and pauses. 
Two words. 
Three words. 
Two words.
No clauses nor modifiers. 

Too short and abrupt, I thought. 
I’ll have to go back later. 
Revise those words 
into more elegant phrases. 
And, with that thought, 
that mere wisp of judgment, 
that moment of logical awareness,
came a breeze 
that scattered the grains,
scrambled the words.

I folded myself into a tighter ball,
repeated the only words still clear,
searched for the source of the flow,
trying to bring it back.

Leaving only the faint tracings 
of a message that might have been.
Leaving me yearning 
for that whispered connection,
Leaving me grasping at smoke. 

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